Plant Paramedic

(Plant Care Assistance)

Do you need assistance with troubled house plant? Wilted, diseased, brown tips, insects, or you are just unsure if your methods are sound?

We can help!

Every day our team of trained horticulturalists care for hundreds of plants in corporate and residential settings.  They have tons of experience in the multitude of issues that can affect plants in your home.

We understand that people have a personal connection to plants. Especially when they are your plants. You want your plants to thrive and provide a healthy ambiance. If you fear for your investment or simply want to do a better job of caring for your flora, contact the Plant Paramedic.

We can travel to your location or we can provide consultation via video conferencing.

  • In-person visits in the St. Louis Metro area $15(travel) + $30 per half hour *

  • Video conference help is $15 per half hour *


In-person visits generally help us see issues sooner, more clearly, and we can delve much more in depth. We often perform cleanup duties while teaching plant care skills in a hands-on environment.  On average we discuss plant care as we clean, prune, and water, with an typical size floor plant in about 5 minutes. We have technicians in most areas of the metro area and can generally schedule a time that can work for both parties.

Video conference is a great solution to remedy a couple problems, especially if you have specific recurring issues.  It is also more affordable and can be a great first step prior to in-person visits.  This option works great for out-of-town locations too! Must have a compatible cellular device.

To book your appointment call Plant Professor: 314-414-7502


  • *Additional time will be rounded up in 15-minute increments at the equivalent hourly rate. 

  • Please note that not all plants are salvageable.  Many things can lead to the demise of foliage plants, including environment and disease that cannot be cured. We will do our best to educate and help, but occasionally there is no solution.