Office Plants
We all know that plants are visually attractive and that they absorb carbon dioxide from the air, but did you know that plants offer a great many more benefits for your St. Louis office? The fast pace of the modern business world is a recipe for stress but a Washington State University study have shown that plants have a significant impact on office stress levels. Even more impressive is that the same study found that having plants in an office can increase productivity by 12%. This is not altogether surprising as we do know that the environment has a direct impact on people's perceptions of situations. For instance, houses that have the smell of fresh baked cookies have a higher chance of being sold. And this is still merely the tip of the iceberg in terms of the benefits that the Plant Professor can provide your St. Louis office by setting up an interior landscaping program.
Plants also help keep your workplace healthier. Besides reducing carbon dioxide levels, plants naturally stabilize the humidity in an office to the ideal levels for humans (30%-60%). Plants also help the interior of your business by:
Reducing the levels of benzene and nitrogen dioxide which are undesirable airborne pollutants.
Decreasing airborne dust levels.
Catching and reducing ambient noise which can distract employees.
Lowering air temperature.
Increasing overall productivity by reducing sick days. Plants absorb airborne mold and bacteria which make a room 50% to 60% cleaner.